Sending your requests, you could receive errors, depending on the issue:


This status code is send if the inputs are malformed (if no audio or audio url is sent for example)


Free tier maximum transcription hours exceeded. Wait for the next month for the quota to rest, or upgrade to pro for unlimited hours.


No audio in he file: This message is returned when we didn't find any audio file from the inputs.


Couldn't reach provided url: This error is returned when the data are well formatted but not processable.
This can happen if the audio url is not reachable for example, from a social media not supported or youtube videos with duration over 2 hours.


Rate limit exceeded. The limits are:

Free plan

  • 20 API calls / hour
  • 3 concurrent requests

Pro plan

  • 200 API calls / minute
  • 15 concurrent requests


These errors are not common and indicate a problem that appeared on our side. Do not hesitate to contact us if this error were to be returned.